For those people who have no checking account and have trouble getting loans from the traditional financial institutions, there are some options. Many individuals who find themselves in this position think that they are just out of luck. They think that their only option is to take out payday loans, which can cost an arm and a leg when you look at the interest charges and all of the fees that are thrown on top. In tough times there is a better way to get cash advances, and that is through installment loans, where individuals can get money without setting things up for disaster.
There are many reasons why a person might seek out a fast checking account payday loans to hold them over until they get paid. Many individuals run into emergencies and they just don't have savings put away to handle things when they fall at the lean time of the month. Medical emergencies can happen at any time, especially when you are dealing with kids. Perhaps a person has a car breakdown and they need their vehicle in order to get to work.
Missing work is not an option, so they will need an installment loan to get the car fixed. Whatever the reason, it is important to be responsible when these things occur. Payday loans have traditionally tied people down, but installment loans are different. Installment loans are much more flexible than payday loans and they don't require the one lump sum payment at the end of the month.
Even for people without a checking account, it is possible to sit down and work out a deal where they get money up front. With payday loans, there is no deal worked out. There is a hard deadline where all money must be paid back, no matter what your financial situation happens to be. With installment loans, you can actually set up a repayment plan that is reasonable and makes sense.
Additionally, bad credit quick cash don't come with the outrageous rates and fees that are typical of standard payday loans. Most payday lenders charge an ARP of almost 300%, which can make it impossible to pay back the loan without going even deeper in the hole. These installment loans provide the same necessary money, but without all of the difficulties of going the payday loan route. Even without a checking account or much of a credit history to speak of, individuals can go online and apply for a loan rather quickly.
These are signature loans, so they don't require any sort of collateral. If the person is approved, they can have the money very quickly and often within the course of a couple of days. Then, when they get their paycheck, they can start paying off the loan without having to give back the entire paycheck as with payday loans.
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